Kathmandu.  World renowned lyricist and novelist Dr. DR Upadhyay has been awarded the ‘President’s Award of Education Excellence’ in the United States. He was awarded the Presidential Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence in the United States.

So the award went to Dr. Dr. Upadhyay was received by the Chief Executive of Globe Eagle University. Provided by Jashvir Singh. The award, signed by US President Joe Biden, is considered a prestigious award. Dr. Upadhyay himself was not able to attend the awards ceremony and the chief executive of Globe Eagle University, Dr. He said that he received the award through Jashvir Singh.

He has set 108 world records, including Guinness Book of World Records for music and various genres. Hundreds of songs and videos from Upadhyaya’s 33 song album have come to the audience.